Monday, April 22, 2019

Recurring Subscriptions: How Much Are They Actually Costing You?

In this day and age, everything seems to be switching to a recurring subscription type platform. Have you ever stopped and thought to yourself, "I wonder how much all my recurring subscriptions are costing me?" Yea, you probably haven't but that's okay, I'm going to lay it all out here and show you how much money I've saved by cancelling recurring subscriptions I've found in the past few weeks as I get serious and ultra frugal on my path to financial independence. You're going to be mind blown by how much these actually cost you over the course of a year and will be scrambling to cancel the ones you truly don't need. So without rambling on for any longer, here's a list of the recurring subscriptions that I found while going through my statements:

  • Netflix - $13.99/mo
  • Microsoft Office 365 - $9.99/mo
  • Audible - $14.95/mo
  • Xbox Live - $9.99/mo
  • Amazon Prime - $120/yr
Now you may think that it's not that many recurring subscriptions and you're absolutely right, it's not but I came to the conclusion that I don't need all of them. First on the chopping block was Audible, that was one of those free trials that you forget to cancel and then forget all about it. I tried the whole listening to audio book thing and it's just not for me. I kept having to rewind to re-listen to parts of the book that apparently went in one ear and right out the other. Now that Audible was gone, my savings a month was $14.95/mo x 12 = $179.40/yr that I'm saving, just by cancelling one recurring subscription service! Next to go was Microsoft Office, I had it while I was in college since I was a finance major and figured I should have Excel and well I just never canceled so it was costing me $9.99 a month x 12 = $119.88/yr. Just by cancelling two recurring subscription services, I've already saved a total of of $299.28 a year. The last one to get the chop was the Xbox Live subscription. I came to a realization a few months ago that I really don't game online anymore, all my friends are busy with their marriages, children/fur babies and don't really game anymore and to be completely honest I don't have that many friends. I think my Xbox live list of friends consisted of 5 people at most. That's another $9.99 x 12 = $119.88/yr. By cancelling 3 recurring subscriptions, I've saved a total of $419.16 a year. Now, you may be thinking, Jake, there's still two more on your list that you haven't mentioned. Well I decided to keep those, Amazon Prime I share with my brother, so that costs me $60 a year and Netflix I share with the whole family and I feel I get value out of both of these services. The rest I didn't value enough to keep forking over my hard earned cash every month. I highly suggest you go through your recurring subscription services and determine which ones you get value out of and if you can't think of a reason why you value it, well then you probably don't need it and should cancel.

Until next time,

On Track to FI

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Financial Goals for 2019

Well, I'm back and this is my first year really focusing on becoming financially independent so I don't have to work until I'm 65. I don't mind working but I'd much rather have the choice to work than being forced to because I wasn't responsible enough in my 30s.

  • Use Mint to keep track of all income, spending and investments. As well as set budgets for myself as I tend to spend more than what I should especially when it comes to transportation since I love to drive and probably make many unnecessary trips.
  • Increase my total dividends for all accounts to $150. I don't have all my Consolidated 1099's so I don't know what my total was for 2018 yet but I will post that here when I get them.
  • Increase my income. If I'm going to do this whole become financially independent thing, I'm going to have to increase the amount of money I make because a wage from my W-2 job as a staff accountant isn't going to cut it. How? I'm not exactly sure but hey my parents always said I was good at figuring stuff out so I guess I have that going for me. 
  • Increase my 401k Contributions. Already done. I guess I can chop this line item off the list right? Wrong.  Increased from 106.66 to 146.66, not nearly enough. That's only $3,519.84 a year. Honestly, I wish I could max it out but on my salary, there's no way unless I find another income source. 
  •  De-clutter. I currently own  a 1999 F-150 with 217,000 miles. It's seen better days and will most likely see the scrap yard sometime this year unless I can find someone to sell it to. I also own a 1994 Pontiac Firebird Formula with a blown motor, I need to either get the ball rolling on fixing it or just junk it.
  •  Increase my emergency fund and pay down debt. I have some credit card debt from some of my younger, stupid, more irresponsible days. Around $5,000 with one student loan at $2,800. I'm  hoping to have this paid off by summer, $2,668 of that $5,000 is 0%, so I'm not in too much of a hurry to pay that one down. My emergency fund has $2,000, I'd feel better with around $5,000. This blog for me to share my journey into FI but to also hold me accountable. 

Those are my goals for 2019 thus far and I'm sure I will add new ones as the year progresses. I'm going to try and post at least twice a week. There's so much content out there already on FI and the different avenues people took to get there, but until we meet again. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Happy 2019 and the road ahead!

Well, 2018 is over and it's been 5 months since I posted here, (Don't worry, that's one of my goals for 2019, is to write more). Honestly, not sure what do say about 2018. Every year has its ups and downs. Not going to lie, there was a point in 2018 where I wasn’t happy at all, wasn’t sure if my career choice was for me, school wasn’t going well, living with a rare disease and the bi-weekly infusions were taking its toll on me, not so much physically but emotionally. But then it hit me, are we truly ever going to be 100% happy? No, we’re not, life isn’t all about unicorns and rainbows. Everyone has problems or issues their facing. If we’re 100% happy all the freaking time, there would be no point in trying to become better at something. If you can accept the fact that you’re not happy or are just average, you’ll become something great. For 2019, reading more, traveling more, and spending time with those around me are all on my list. 

First off, this rare disease called Pompe disease (not going to get into all the details, you can Google), is a blessing in disguise but it's also a curse. The bi-weekly infusions get old and trying to schedule them with work is annoying, plus making up time I missed. The multiple doctor appointments once a year, where I see 3-4 doctors in one day, so it gets old, tiring and emotionally exhausting. Since it's a progressive disease, you don't know what the future holds, but you have to take it one day and a time. For the most part, that's exactly what I've done. Some days, I'll feel down and depressed, thankfully, I surround myself with supportive people who understand. If I didn't have the support of friends, some of who I've never met before (only online) or family, I honestly don't know what I'd do. Sure one of my problems is a health problem, but then I remember, everyone has problems. Some have health problems, some have money problems, some have relationship problems. It's up to you to figure out how you cope/deal with your own problems.

You're life is what you make it. Don't settle for mediocrity. Become the best you; you can be. For 2019, I want to travel more, to new places, not the same places I've been year in and year out. I want to meet new people, get to know those around me better. I want to wake up earlier, get more done in a day and take my dreams and turn them into reality, not just some after thought in the back of my mind.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Why Learning to Fix Your Own Car Is a Must for FI

Image may contain: car and outdoor

After 2 weeks on vacation, I came back home and saw my car sitting in the driveway remembering it needed a front brake job. I drove with my father up north so we didn't have 6 cars where there's really only parking for 4. I've always done most of my own car repairs. I live at home and my parents have a 2300 square foot pole barn with a car hoist in it. Before that I would work on the ground in the barn and let me tell you, the hoist is a literal life and time saver. Anyways back to the story of why you should learn to fix your own car for most repairs and how much I saved today by doing this myself instead of letting a shop do it. Also, keep in mind that you don't need a hoist and a 2300 square foot pole barn to do your own brake job. You can do it with a couple of jack stands, a ratchet set, a C-clamp, a little know-how and the necessary parts. This repair started like any other repair, getting the car in the air, dismantling the brake caliper, and taking the rotors off. I get to the rotors and see that they needed to be replaced as well. The brake pads were wearing unevenly as well, the slide pins were seized so uneven pressure was being applied, so the backside of my drivers side was bare metal which destroyed the rotor. So me being the individual who absolutely hates spending money, already irritated enough, hears my buddy say "Jake, you're not gonna wanna hear this, you need a wheel bearing on the drivers side." Sure enough, it's bad so tack on another $130 for the replacement bearing. Great, just what I wanted to do was spend over $200 on car parts after being off for 10 days with no PTO. Get to the parts store, get all the stuff we need for $283.20. Now here's a trick, if you own a company, set up a commercial account at O'Reilly's, it saved me a couple bucks and the more you buy the better your discount. Then it was back to the shop/barn to finish the repair. My buddy finished the wheel bearing while I did the brakes, lubed up the slide pins and boom, done in a few hours. Now at a shop, it would have cost me a fortune. If you go to and put in a 2004 Buick Park Avenue and select brake pads, and rotors, the estimate is $458 - $630 for just the brakes and rotors! Now add the wheel bearing and it's from $272 to $421 for just one side! That's insane, I just did it in a barn with a friend for $283.20 plus $2 for an energy drink in a couple of hours. This is why doing your own car repairs is a must for FI. Instead of spending $730-$1021, you can do it yourself for a fraction of the price.

Until next time,


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Starting My Road to Financial Independence: What is FI?

This is the beginning of my road to financial independence, which will be referred as FI for the rest of this blog series. Future editions may have podcasts. I'm not really concerned about the RE or early retirement portion of FIRE because I actually enjoy working. Right now I'm working my way towards my Masters Degree in Accounting, I currently have a BBA in Finance and currently work as a Bookkeeper/Staff Accountant at a small accounting firm in Troy, MI. A little bit about me. I'm 27 years old, salary is 32,000 a year, debt is near $5,500, investments around $4,000. A more detailed post will be coming soon about income and expenses. Many of you might be asking, what the hell is FI? FI is Financial Independence and the second part of that is RE (Early Retirement) and combined they are FIRE (acronym). Financial Independence doesn't mean you have to retire early or just sit around on your porch drinking coffee and eating Twinkies all day long, it just means you have the option to retire early and that your living expenses are covered and all debt is paid off. More details on my journey to FIRE will be coming in the future, including travel hacking, what to do for more income, and relatable stuff to FI.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Acorns-Invest Your Spare Change

Acorns-Invest Your Spare Change

Back in March, I came across a new investing app for Android and iOS called Acorns. At first I was skeptical about investing apps but after using it for more than six months, I can say that I am very pleased with Acorns and I've saved over $300 that probably would have gone unnoticed and spent on junk. Acorns operates on the premise that it invests your spare change. Most people have a spare change bucket or something similar in their home. When they come home, they throw their spare change from their transactions throughout the day in this spare change bucket and after a while, it adds up and you can spend it how you please. Acorns is similar, instead of investing the physical spare change, it invests the spare change from your credit card transactions. In order to this, when you sign up for Acorns, you set up a round up account within the Acorns. This round up account is where you link a debit or credit card to Acorns. Any time you make a transaction with that round up account, say your Chase Visa card and the total comes out to $3.30. Acorns sees that you made that transaction with the card and rounds up the purchase to $4.00. Now since Acorns doesn’t actually have access to your credit cards accounts besides the transactions, they can’t charge your card the extra $0.70. So it rounds it up and the round up account total would be $0.70 and when the total in the round up section of Acorns gets up to $5.00 it will withdraw it from your checking account that you will link during set up. Many might be worried about privacy but they use bank level encryption to keep your information safe and are SIPC insured. Acorns also has a feature in beta called “Found Money,” which is basically a rewards program for shopping at certain partners that Acorns partners with. As of September, these brands were, JackThreads, Dollar Shave Club,, HotelTonight and Blue Apron. Rewards vary depending on where you shop and you must shop using a card that is linked to an Acorns round up account. Now investing can carry loss over time but this is a good way for people to get started who don’t know where to start and don’t know how to pick investments. Well Acorns invests it in ETF’s. You choose your risk tolerance and Acorns will allocate your investment appropriately in the five ETF’s mentioned below. The ETF’s Acorns invests in are LQD which are corporate bonds, VOO (Large Cap companies ), VB(Small Cap companies), VWO which is emerging markets and SHY which is composed of government bonds. Now Acorns has a $1 fee per month but is waived for accounts that have an .edu extension on their email when signing up or that fee is 0.25% when the account reaches $5,000. Now Acorns is great for the investor who is just starting out and who may or may not know how to pick their own investments.  Make sure you support the Almighty Dollar by using our referral code when signup up for Acorns:


·         Simplicity

·         Low starting capital

·         Diversified


·         Fee is a little high

·         Can’t pick your own investments

·         Only taxable accounts, so if you sell any of your holdings, you will incur capital gains taxes

Thursday, July 21, 2016

On Track to FI: Use Bing to search to earn points to redeem

I've been using Bing Rewards for a few months now, not very consistently because again I don't have Internet at home. Now Bing will give you some "Daily Offers" which are just either a 3 question quiz or a few links to click on and you'll earn credits for completing the "Daily Offers" on Bing Rewards. The amount of offers you get per day varies. Bing also gives you rewards points for every two searches you do on your computer, up to fifteen credits per day. Bing will also reward  you for every two searches that you complete on your mobile device, up to 10 points a day. Bing Rewards also has tiers of status. You either have Member status, which is basically just joining and using Bing Rewards. Silver status involves completing the "Welcome to Rewards tour", redeeming your first credits for a reward, and earn 200 lifetime credits. To obtain Gold status, you have to complete 150 searches per month to maintain Gold status and earn 750 Lifetime Credits and when you acquire Gold status, you will receive a 10% discount when redeeming your points for rewards.

Redeeming is quite simple as you click on redeem and depending on your reward, they'll send you an email on how to redeem  your reward. I've always opted for gift cards because they'll send you and email with the confirmation number and claim code to redeem your reward. gift cards never expire which is another reason I consistently choose gift cards as my reward. 

Rewards include:

  • Outlook Ad-Free for 3 months
  • Gamestop Gift Card
  • Starbucks Gift Card
  • Hulu 1-month free
  • Donate to Boys and Girls Club
  • Donate to Teach for America
  • Skype Credit
  • Skype Unlimited
  • Xbox Live Gold Membership
  • Windows Store Gift Card
  • Xbox Store Digital Gift Card
  • Movie Rentals
  • Microsoft Apparel and Gifts
  • Groove Music Pass
  • Sweepstakes Entries
Rewards change sometimes but I average $5-10 a month throughout the year using Bing Rewards. I use to buy everyday things and I can save and invest my cash. It may not be a lot of money but every little bit helps.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Shopping App: Shopkick

One of my favorite apps to use while I'm shopping is the Shopkick app. Shopkick is an application that is available for iOs and Android that has partners such as Best Buy, Kroger, Meijer, Target, and many others. Shopkick puts a device in their stores and when you walk in to the store with your location and Bluetooth on you will receive a walk-in bubble with the amount of kicks credited to your Shopkick account as shown below:

Shopkick also has a few other ways to earn other than just walking in, another way to earn is buy scanning certain products that Shopkick and it's partners want you to scan as shown below:

Another way to earn Shopkick points is with purchases! All you have to do is link a Visa or MasterCard to your Shopkick account and your kicks will be rewarded in a few days! Don't worry as in linking your credit card is completely safe. Debit or credit will work just fine.  Best Buy is shown tomorrow but every retailer is different:

Recently Shopkick has added a new way to earn points which they call Kickbates which is if you actually end up buying a product you scanned to earn points, you will earn kicks by taking a picture of the receipt and uploading it to Shopkick, they will verify that you bought the product and award your kicks!

Everyone always wants to know about the rewards. On Shopkick, you can redeem with as little as 75 kicks which is AE Rewards where 75 kicks add 1 point to your AE Rewards. Some of them are charities and other are rewards such as gift cards. There is no cash option but the gift cards are the same thing. The list of retailers you can redeem for starts at a minimum of 500 kicks. The retailers are listed below:

American Eagle
Red Box
Best Buy E-Gift Card
TJ Maxx
JC Penney
Old Navy
Game Stop
Toys R Us
The Cheescake Factory
Barnes and Noble E-Gift Card
Papa Johns
Foot Locker
Sports Authority
Yankee Candle
Buca Di Peppo
AMC Theatres
Fuel Gift card
Tory Burch
Tiffany and Co.

You can also redeem your kicks for a few products as well but need quite a few kicks to redeem these which are listed below:

Sony Bluetooth Headphones
Coach Hand Bag
Sony Cyber-shot Digital Camera
Samsung 32" Smart HDTV

Now you won't earn kicks super fast but this app helps me save some money at the grocery store or buy stuff I normally wouldn't buy. Be sure to use our referral link as every 3 friends that join get 2000 kicks. Our referral link is Shopkick Referral. Be sure to keep the app updated as more ways and more stores appear to earn kicks may arrive. Thanks for reading and happy shopkicking!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Survey Site: MintVine

On vacation I was looking for a survey site that provided plenty of surveys and didn't take forever to reach a minimum payout. After searching the web I came across the site of Now normally I stay away from surveys because it normally takes a long time reach the minimum payout, usually $10-$15. Some reviews stated that some MintVine users reached the minimum cash out threshold of $10 in a couple of days. On MintVine, it was very easy to create an account as I just registered with my Facebook account. The first few days I received a few surveys and had about 100 points, the next day I logged on and had a few more surveys and my total after a few days was around 700 points! Now after those initial few days, the surveys slowed in their availability but it didn't take much to get to the minimum threshold. MintVine also has daily surveys which they brand as Points Place. I didn't have much luck with that as it's a funnel survey and I kept getting screened out of each survey they would give me. After taking a few weeks off, I reached the minimum threshold of 1000 points which translates into $10. I checked my Paypal account after two days and my payment was in my PayPal account. In conclusion MintVine is a good survey panel for someone interested in making a few extra side bucks a month with surveys, you won't get rich by taking surveys but it can be away to earn some extra money. I verified MintVine does payout so you don't have to worry about not getting paid from Mintvine. If you sign up for an account at, make sure you use our referral link below.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Comcast: Available? Nope $6,000 please

Comcast: Available? Nope $6,000  please

A little backstory on this situation. We live in Michigan, about 35 miles north of Detroit. We used to live in Warren and were able to get cable television but still had dial-up internet because it was 2000 when we moved and broadband hadn’t become popular yet. After our move, we continued to use dial-up while people on the nearest main road were able to get broadband internet as were people a street down the road. My parents inquired but there was no cable ran down our street so services weren’t available. All of our wires our underground as we live more in the country than the city but the city and grocery store aren’t far away from where we live. Fast forward to 2010 and beyond, 3G technology had expanded so we were using a Verizon MiFi card as our main connection, which had unlimited data. We hear great things about the LTE network so we upgrade the MiFi to 4G LTE, the speeds are great but there’s a data cap of 20GB a month and costs close to $100.00 a month, so every month we’re pushing up against that data cap and sometimes going over as much as 5GB because parents need the web for banking, brothers for homework and other stuff as my parents own a construction company. We eventually cancel the hotspot because it costs to much as my parents were cutting back on costs and use a hotspot from a phone when necessary, no streaming, no videos or anything that someone in this day and age would use for. Now into the present. It’s June 23, 2015 and the Township has a meeting with Comcast and residents about better expanding the cable infrastructures to the more rural parts of town. A few days later we get a letter from our neighbor who says Comcast will be contacting residents on our street the next week to see if they would be interested in providing service to residents. A week goes by and nobody contacts any of us, a month goes by and still nothing. It’s November and I’m at a neighbor’s house and she asked me whatever happened to Comcast and my response was nothing, they never contacted us. The timeline of events will be depicted below in an orderly fashion.

January 25, 2015: As I’m sick of tethering with my phone, for the hell of it I go on to Comcast’s website to see if service is available at my house, (I knew it wasn’t), low and behold it lets me get all the way to scheduling an install, at this point I stopped because I didn’t want to waste a technicians time when they have other things to do. I search the web for a construction manager’s email or phone number to no avail so I message Comcast on Facebook. This is my message: Comcast was supposed to call about the installation of service on our street back in July, it is now January and we have heard absolutely nothing. What can be done?

Later that day Comcast responds with: Thank you for reaching out. Would you please send me your street address? I can have someone check on this for you.

I respond with my address and explain that there are no lines on our street currently and that they would need to be ran.

January 27th, 2016: I ask if there is any update or steps I can take?

January 28th, 2016: Comcast Responds: Our engineers are still checking this out. Thanks for your patience. I’ll report back as I hear.

February 7th, 2016: I ask if there is any update.

February 8th, 2016: Comcast Responds: Sorry for the late response. I know this is still in discussion. Let me get some feedback and I will respond back. Thank you.

February 8th, 2016: I told the social media representative for Comcast that I received a letter in the mail from the construction department and thanked them for their time.

The same day I receive a letter that was dated February 1st, 2016. Comcast says that they have evaluated their cable facilities to the location of our home and that it is not serviceable at this time. They then go on to state that to bring service to my house that it will require underground construction, which I already knew. They will also need the necessary electronics, amplifiers and then they get into the cost. I knew it would be at least a grand or two but nowhere near $9,955.50 for the total construction costs with Comcast absorbing $4,000 of that cost which would leave me liable for paying $5,955.50 which is completely outrageous. Comcast wants me to invest in their infrastructure so they can charge me month to month for their service. The letter states that if I wish to continue with construction that I need to write a check payable to Comcast and that service will be available 60-90 days after the work is completed and that if I don’t wish to proceed with construction that there is no further action necessary on my part.

After reading this letter I was extremely disappointed, broadband internet is not even 600 feet away from me and got my hopes up that a more reasonable solution could come up with. I logged on to and it says that I should have a handful of providers as shown in the picture below:

Comcast says it should be available, AT&T is not available at my address and they were no help on the phone and any of the Hotspot cards are extremely limited in addition to having data caps. Satellite with very low data caps so ViaSat is out and wouldn’t be fast enough anyways. In the picture below I am the line just above 28 Mile Road:

We are the street just above the 28 Mile road writing that is covered in red and the guy on the corner of my street and 28 mile road is able to receive service because he has access to the telephone pole and we are roughly 600 feet away and they won’t extend the lines without outrageous construction costs.

February 14th, 2016: Fed up with Comcast and trying to figure out how to get the costs down, I send a complaint to the FCC about not being able to receive anything other than satellite or a Hotspot card and that Comcast would be the only provider on a street because nobody else is going to come in after them and take their customers

February 17th, 2016: I receive a phone call from Comcast but miss it because I was in the other room. I received an email from their Corporate Executive Customer Relations stating that they apologize that I had to escalate and want to make sure that all customer concerns, even though I’m not a customer are handled and receive a satisfactory response, I email her back and tell her any time is good to contact me.

February 18th, 2016: I receive a call in the morning and it’s the Customer Relations Executive and she explains to me that they surveyed our whole street but the cost for that would $34,000 but $10,000 for my house with my cost being $6,000 because it’s all underground. I tried explaining that $6,000 is a ridiculous amount of money for one family to pay for services and that they would be the only service on the street for the for seeable future and that they would love more customers but the costs don’t outweigh the benefits PR spin that companies seem to give when they just don’t want to do something. She tells me that the serviceability department will contact me to explain further. All the money customers pay Comcast for service and they want someone who wants their service to pay a hefty amount to invest in their infrastructure so they can provide service to 18 homes who would be paying them monthly. Imagine me going to a restaurant and them telling me I have to pay for their pots and pans before I receive service. Verizon doesn’t make me invest in their cell tower before I sign up for service with them. The whole experience has been frustrating with barely any help or real solution. There are also no fiber lines or Wireless Internet Service Providers in range. The Township is trying to figure out something but who knows how long that could take. I'm not against paying something for them to service our household but I was expecting a more reasonable amount the $6,000.

That is all until I hear from the serviceability department. Broadband is in my sights but yet so far away.

February 19th, 2016: I receive a call from the Comcast construction supervisor here in Michigan. He leaves me a voicemail that states they looked at providing service to our residence two different ways, one which would be providing it to me and my neighbor right next door which either we would be responsible for the $5955.50, which either we could pay by ourselves or split the cost with my neighbor to the south which would leave us at about $3,000.00 each. The total cost would be $10,000 total because they "might" have to add another fiber optic node apparently. He said might, which means Comcast is not even sure if they have to add another fiber optic node. The other way they could do it is providing service to the whole street with total construction costs being around $83,000 dollars or which the residents would be responsible for $37,000 to $47,000. Currently there are 7 houses interested which dividing by the high estimate of $47,000 would leave it just over $6700.00 a household which is still quite unattainable. I called the Comcast construction supervisor back and left him a voicemail to have him call me back at his earliest convenience but have not heard anything back.


Why now?

Answer: The world is becoming increasingly connected and more people are working at home. In order to take advantage of these new wonderful online services a stable broadband connection is necessary.

Why not satellite or DSL?

Answer: Satellite is extremely limited and not reliable enough, exams to be taken as I'm a college student and if the exams are interrupted I lose precious time and could lose my data altogether. AT&T actually told me they don't have a construction department and were no help at all. DSL or "UVERSE" isn't available in our area.

What about Wireless Internet Service Providers?
Answer: The closest tower is quite a few miles from us and aren't in range. This tower was put up a few years ago to address the problem of not having broadband.
What do you do for Internet?
Answer: Currently we tether we our phones and if something needs to be downloaded, I drive to a friends house in Lake Orion about 10 miles away where Comcast services his house.

If you have any questions please leave a comment below

Slidejoy: Earn money from your smartphones lock screen!

One of my favorite cell phone application that provides me with a few extra dollars each month is called Slidejoy. Many of you may be wondering how this app earns me money. Slidejoy is a lock screen advertisement, which means when you press the button that awakens your phone, you will see an advertisement for a brand or something that is trending on the Internet. How this works is advertisers pay Slidejoy to advertise and in turn, those advertisements end up on your lock screen. Now the lock screen will look something like this:

Now most of the time, instead of the generic "asking if you want more carats," which is basically points that translate into dollars, it will be normally an advertisement of some sort or some sort of trending news. Back to the carats, how this works is, one carat equals a penny and so on. Slidejoy in recent updates has added an offer tab to its app to help its users earn more carats and larger payouts every month. The offers tab inside the application is like you would find on any other site, the offers are from 3rd party companies. You complete an offer for these 3rd party companies and in turn the 3rd party company pays you carats for completing the offer. Some of the offers are just downloading and opening an app, others are games where you have to get to a certain level and some are applying and getting approved for a credit or debit Target Red Card. As you can see below, for Slidejoy, the partners are TrialPay, Adscend Media, Fyber and Cint Surveys.

 Payouts are on the first of every month. Slidejoy has two different modes, one being Normal Mode which is carats you can redeem into cash and gift cards and the other being Hero Mode where you can donate it to charity.

For Normal Mode the partners you can redeem your carats for are:
Best Buy
Foot Locker
Toys R Us
Xbox Live
AMC Theatres
Papa Johns

In hero mode you can redeem them for:
Feeding America

Using Slidejoy I average about $5 a month. This isn't a lot of money but if you average that every month it adds up to $60 a year without doing any of the offers! Usually this money is just deposited into my Paypal account and left there in case of emergencies or I'll buy a movie or something I normally wouldn't buy. Currently the app is only available for Android but the company is apparently working on an version for iOS. If you decide to download Slidejoy, be sure to use our invite code

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Welcome to the new Almighty Dollar blog. Many of us spend our whole lives chasing money, sometimes you end up financially stable, other times you have to squeak by. By using your computer, smartphone and modern technology, there are many ways to earn, save and invest your money by using the internet. Remember that even though some of these ideas only earn a little bit of extra cash, it all adds up and hopefully lead to better managing your money. Always remember the power of a dollar.

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